How to keep your love life exciting

September 5, 2019

It is indeed true that falling in love is one of the most exciting but mystifying phenomena that came with the creation of man. It's feeling of unending joy is always better being experienced than explained. One would have loved that things will continue in that same drive and tempo. However, few years down the line, we are wondering what happened to our prince in shining armor or our perfect woman. Well, that shouldn’t be a surprise anymore as it can and will happen to any couple that has not learnt to keep their love life aflame and exciting.

The first impression I’d want to erase from our mind is this, the fact that your love life is not as interesting as it used to be doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your partner or that you have made a wrong choice. If I were to give you a brand new car, your excitement would be unfathomable. You would go around telling everyone that cares to listen about your new “baby”. While driving, if you accidentally enter a pot hole you’d scream like it was you that got hit and not the car. Just a few years down, the spark dies off, that shiny look you used to love about the car will disappear as wear and tear begins to set in. Now lets not forget that it is the same car that is possibly still serving you dutifully but the excitement is now gone. So is the case with a lot of our relationships, as the wear and tear of time passes, life responsibility and challenges set in, we may lose the excitement as well but it is our duty as Christians to ensure that we regain it. As Christians, we set the standard for the world about how love life should be. Yes, I said it is our duty and every duty involves work and responsibility. Keeping our love life exciting will not passively happen until you take a conscious step towards it. Here are a few things that we can do.

It is almost impossible to keep your love life exciting when you cannot communicate to your partner through their love language. This is one major key to your partners’ heart, for some it is words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, touch or service. A step in this direction can spark a cold worn out love. It is also important to analyze your relationship from time to time. Sometimes, we need to sincerely open up to our partner and say those things we expect in the relationship. Let’s stop assuming our partner can always read our minds to know the problem. Rate the strength and weakness and make deliberate efforts to smoothen the rough edges after every talk time.

As time passes, we sometimes neglect the “small things” that endear us to our partner. It could be as small as cutting the nails, playing with the hair, doing her makeup, knotting his tie or some other little thing that we easily forget. You need to start doing them again. For us it may seem inconsequential or insignificant but it opens the door to our partners’ heart.

All that has been mentioned thus far anchors on the bedrock of Ephesians 5:22 & 25. Husbands must learn to love their wives and wives must learn to be submissive to their husbands. Without this, whatever we do is simply a waste of time and energy. Hence lets go back to the foundation, because if the foundation is faulty, what can the righteous do?

Finally, we must not forget the devices of the enemy. We must consistently pray for our relationships. As such, God takes care of the spiritual side while we handle the physical aspects with all we have learnt.

By Akporobo Christopher

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